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Workouts at Exit 1 are designed to improve 10 ​general physical skills. Cardiovascular ​endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, ​speed, coordination, agility, balance, and ​accuracy.

Most other workout regimines ignore some or ​many of these skills, resulting in imbalan​ces, pain/injury, and sub-optimal performan​c​e​.

“Our understanding is that the needs of Olympic ​athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, ​not kind. One needs functional competence to ​stay out of the nursing home. The other one ​wants functional dominance to win medals.” -​Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit

At Exit 1, we have ex-college athletes, ​grandmothers, and every skill level in between. ​Workouts are always scalable, making them ​accessible to any level of fitness.